Sunday, January 31, 2010

Our New Stove

Just before Christmas Jim and I came to the conclusion it was time to look for a new range. We found an electric double oven with convection heat from Kenmore and decide to buy that and also an above stove microwave. Well it was delivered last week and we have been successfully using the stove top and ovens but installing the microwave would take a little time. Jim needed to run a new 20amp circuit with hid behind the cupboards and design a wall support because the existing cabinet would not support that extra weight. He worked hard this week end getting things prepared. Today was the big day. Shawn came over to help left it while it was being attached. It ended up being an easy job since all of Jim's work matched perfectly to the actual brackets and hardware. It looks so nice and such an improvement. I love having some more counter space to with the microwave above the stove.

It was just Jim and me for Sunday dinner but with all his hard work this weekend he certainly needed to be treated to a nice dinner. I made a nice roasted chicken that had been marinated with lemon, fresh rosemary, and sweet onions and olive oil. It turned out so tender and juicy. We also had some nice roasted acorn squash and some whole wheat rolls. All was delish and Jim thoguht that was the best roasted chicken ever. ;)

A Very Crooked Pic But This Is Our New Stove

Chicken Ready To Go Into The Oven

Cooked Chicken

Thank you for looking. ~Jackie

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Winter Blast In Erie

Finally getting the Wintery Snowy Blast that usually hits us hard until the lake freezes. Jim and I took a drive around Lake Erie today despite the freezing temps and strong winds. I managed to jump out of the car for a few minutes at a time to fire off a few quick pics. Not sure if you can tell how windy and cold it was from the pics but I hope you can get a sense of our Wintery weather.

Thank you for looking and leave a comments. ~Jackie

Friday, January 1, 2010

Wonderful Holiday

We have had a wonderful Christmas season this year. Starting back at Thanksgiving with all the Bakers in for Thanksgiving, the wonderful wedding, extra time with mom and dad before they headed out to ski country, a wonderful Christmas dinner with Patrick and Shawn, a fun party here with Jim's family the other night, a nice quiet New Year's Eve with just Jim and me sipping champagne and eating left over appetizers... well the list goes on and on.

Today we went to visit with Jim's brothers and families at the beautiful home of Diane and Bill. It is always a wonderful time visiting with them and enjoying many laughs, lots of great food and drinks.
This year was a special blessing because Santa Claus brought Skyler an extra treat and left the family airline tickets to fly from their warm sunny home in Florida to visit the freezing cold and snowy weather of Pennsylvania. Not only did he manage the tickets somehow he brought just the right amount of snow for sledding and snowman building but not to bad to keep us from visiting.

Here are some fun pics of Andrea and Skyler loving the snow and Winter weather.

Ready For Some Snow Fun

Snow Family, dog and all
(is this not the cutest snow family ever)

Family Portrait



Beautiful Cousins

Snow Angels