Monday, June 30, 2008

Better Every Day

Dad is feeling better every day. Kara, Mike, Jim and I went to visit him tonight. We got there just after he had walked the halls. Mom and Connie visited him earlier this morning. He is looking good. Dad makes everyone that visits, including the nurses sign is special Heart pillow. The nurses are enjoying dad as a patient so much that they all chipped in and got him a special tat. Jeepers!!! We had better get him outa there soon.

Kara visiting her PopPop

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Dad Is Doing Great

Its amazing to see dad and think it has only been two days since his major open heart surgery. He is still recooperating in the hospital but expects to be discharged Tuesday. He needs plenty of rest so we have been trying to visit him in groups so that he does not have visitors interrupting him through out the day. Hamot hospital patients that have gone through open heart procedures all get private rooms. This morning Mom, Patrick, Jim and I visited and signed his huggable heart pillow.

Dads room is now decorated with lots of incentives to get better soon. Filled with tennis pictures featuring the families newest tennis star Sami, ski pictures and even a picture of dad on the tennis court running after a shot.

Here is a picture I took this morning of dad. By the way he is getting up and around his room now. Notice he is not even hooked up to iv's anymore.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

When Mom doesn't Know Best

Everyone knows Mom's treatment for whatever is ailing you is to go outside get some fresh air and exercise. I think I was about 10 years old when I first learned her treatment approach for our colds or aches and pains. I can remember that cold snowy day and I didn't feel well enough to go to school. Mom knew the perfect remedy was to go enjoy the fresh air by hitting the ski slopes at Peek-n-Peak. Fresh air and exercise wasn't a remedy just for colds it was the old stand by for what ever ailed you. I can remember many walks with mom and Connie where mom would tell us she got a Rx from the doctor, maybe an antibiotic and after two days it just didn't seem to be kicking in and that maybe she should stop the pills and what she really needed was a good long bike ride. I can't count how many times before moms knee replacement she would be stumbling on her bum knee aching and she would just reply "no it doesn't hurt to bad... I just need to walk a little further and it will be better".

So... over the last couple months when Dad would mention "Gosh!!!I seem a little short of breath on the tennis court" mom could easily diagnose this as maybe needing a bit more warm up time or just aging (dad after all is approaching 78 in July) or it could be that he is playing Austrialian doubles where its him against two on the other side of the net. Mom also would be quick to note that sometimes when she starts out on a big hill biking it takes here a few minutes to build up then shes fines. Well dad being a little wiser about what was going on and this may not just be typical aging went in for a physical including a stress test. Thus began his very quick relization that a serious problem was going on. After the surprising results of the Heart Cath. it was apparent that dad was suffering from multiple major heart blockages.

Here is Some Art Handiwork From Dad Heart Surgeon Dr. Fitzgibbons

So now it was the doctors calling the shots. He was to stay in the hospital until Bypass surgery could be done. Dad and mom watching Wimbledon just a couple hours before being wheeled down for surgery.

Once down to the OR Staging area again we waited. Unfortunately no tv here. Dad remained pretty calm. Finally the go ahead that dads surgeon, who by all the staff refer to him as a genius was ready to fix his broken heart. (actually his heart was strong and healthy just clogged arteries but broken heart sounded so much more poetic)

Ready to Roll

It was a long stressful afternoon. Hamot Hospital provides a beeper for the family so that they can walk outside, have lunch or whatever. It was very nice to be able to leave the OR waiting room occasionally and have lunch and enjoy the fresh air. Here is a picture of mom waiting for the final beeper signal that we could go see dad.
So now the GREAT news. Dad is really doing well. Surgery went great. The doctor reported he has one heck of a strong Heart.

Many thanks for the hospital staff at Hamot including all the small things they do to make such a stressful time more comfortable. Dads Heart surgeon and anesthesiologist were absolutely amazing.

Many thanks to Dianne who stopped mom and dad from going to play tennis last week and from lifting weights at the YMCA. Thats right... after dads stress test he had a week until the Heart cath. So when Dianne called to see what they were doing and mom stated they were going to the court to hit some balls she brillantly advised him not to do any athletic activity until the cath. Who knows what could have happened. But what we do know now is dad was very near a fatal heart problem and now he going to be better than ever.

Stan...... you better start practicing your tennis game.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Our New Deck and Christening Party

Not sure if all know this but we hired Shawn to put in a patio for us. I took some photo's along the way just in case we had to go to small claims court for an unfinished project or shoddy work but not needed. He did a wonderful job that we put to the test tonight for a dinner.

Here is Shawn setting the last brick.

Doing a final tamp.

With our new patio in place we decided to throw a nice bar-b-que. Mom, Dad, Patrick, Shawn and Amanda, and Kara and Michael all came over for some delicious grilled chicken.

We were not sure if Patrick was going to join us or if he was just going to hang out by his new car.

It didn't take long before the smoky aromas of the chicken wafted through the air and sent him diving for a seat at the table where Jim and Mike were all ready relaxing with a beer.

We all enjoyed grilled chicken, cheesy crock pot potatoes and brococli and a yummy strawberry dessert on a salty pretzel crust.

Here are some other nice pics from the day.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Patrick's Big Day

Well today was a most exciting day for Patrick. He bought his First New Car. After nursing his 93 Ford Taurus for several years it will be a welcome change to have the parts/labor covered under warranty. Pat's old car served him well even if it did rob his wallet a few times. It also taught him some very valuable lessons on repairing a car. Many times I would see that car on blocks in the grandparents garage or jacked up in the driveway. I was proud that he was able to work on his car. Sometimes his Grandfather would be around to offer a hand or Jim but most of the time he pulled out a Chiltons Taurus Manual from the library and would work his way through. I believe since he owned the Ford he put on new brakes, brake lines, cv joints, a radiator, new water pump, starter and the alternator. I know I can't remember all of them but he did a nice job of trying to keep that guy running. Like most things, finally he reached a day where it was just getting to expensive and to time consuming to nurse it back to health. Now with Patrick's new job and doing so much driving to Pitt or Cleveland airport for work he needed something he could depend on. After looking at many cars he found one that suited him well.

Introducing Patrick's 2008 Chevy Colbalt

Signing the Deal

Salesman Brian McWilliams congratulated Patrick on his new car and handed him the keys.

A Peek Inside

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Yea for the Father's in Our Lives

We had a wonderful dinner tonight with Dad and Mom over. We made all dads favorites featuring Authentic Beef Enchiladas with a big bite of heat. To cool our sweltering tongue cold drinks were in order. Dad and Jim drank ice cold Coronas with lime with mom and me opting for the traditional Margarata served on the rocks with a nice salty rim. Jim roasted fresh corn on the cob seasoned with a nice lime, butter, salt and pepper mix. Grilled just right they too were a tasty treat. We also enjoyed an appitizer with a nice warm leek cheese dip and chips.

After a dinner filled with many laughs we forced ourselves to enjoy a nice serving of fresh biscuits and Summers best local treat of Strawberries.

As unbelieveable as this may be..... I didn't photograph any of this dinners treats. After dinner though we did have a small photo shoot down by the Erie Yacht Club.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Its June......Our First Summer Party

I'll try to add a story tomorrow but Julie wanted to see some pics. It was a great day.