Monday, October 26, 2009

Keep Your Hands Off The Cookies

I am not sure how many times I have had to say that to my kids growing up. Well I guess my life has come full circle. I know I heard that phase many times growing up, repeating many times to my three children and now today I unfortunately forgot to tell my Mother "Keep Your ands Off the Cookies!"

Let me explain...

I have been very busy the last few weekends baking special Spingerle Cookies. I remember these cookies growing up. They were a favorite that my German Grandmother made on very special occasions. I thought it would be a beautiful way to bring in some of my daughters heritage into her upcoming wedding by making these special cookies for cookie trays. I researched the best recipe, looked for that perfect mold, ordered some great anise for a traditional flavor, and ordered the secret ingredient to the best Springerle cookies, Hartshorn. The cookies have been turning out great. But occassionally I find one or two that don't make it in the real cookie tins but instead a tin of misfits for our snacking. Just yesterday I robbed the can for her when mom and dad came for dinner. After they left from dinnere I made my last batch. Its a tedious process where you make your dough, roll it, then flour and cut each cookie individually then place on a cookie sheet to dry. This drying process lasts over night. Then they are baked the next day. Actually this is one raw dough that you absolutely can't eat raw. The amonia is toxic.

Mom gives me a call at work today asking if our dog Misha wants a walk. It was a beautiful day here in Erie so of course our little yorkie would be thrilled for a mid afternoon walk. It never occurred to me that she would go in the dining room and snatch cookies of the drying sheets. But to my horrified eyes I saw two empty spots on my cookie trays. After calling mom and her admiting she took two cookies and just ate one because it tasted kind of funny off I went to call the poison control center. I reached a operator that chares for the minute so I then called the House On The Hill that I purchased the ingredients from. They were very helpful in telling me she will be fine but unfortunately may suffer from terrible gas and stomach problems tonight. Eek.
If you have not seen Springerle cookies here are a few pictures.

This is the raw cookie drying

Cooked Cookie, Still Stays White Just Gets Thicker

Secret Ingredient

Well, Mom, Hope you are doing ok tonight. Love Jackie